At the Y, we think it's time to get back to the things that matter.
The Kamloops Y provides vital community services that are having a positive impact on some of the community's most pressing social issues. Central to our success are:
• The people who unite behind our mission to help people reach their potential
• The safe and welcoming places we provide—from health and fitness facilities, child care programs and camps to Shelter for women and children leaving violence and programs to help with employment and counselling —that foster a sense of community; and
• The comprehensive community programs that provide the skills, opportunities and confidence people need to achieve their potential.
These people, places and programs come together to create a sense of belonging and a supportive network that has proven time and again to help people achieve their personal goals. For some the impact can be truly transformative and can have an enormous ripple effect on those around them.
Health & Fitness
Kids Programs
Employment Services
Mental Wellness
Child, Youth and Family
Whether new to the work force or a skilled professional, a YMCA career is the right fit.
Through the gift of time and skills, volunteers are an integral part of the YMCA team.